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Jan. 2023
An Introduction of High Damping Rubber Bearings
High damping rubber bearings (HDRB) are a type of structural component used in the construction of buildings and other structures. These bearings are designed to provide a high degree of damping, or resistance to vibration and movement, in order to improve the overall stability and safety of the structure.
Dec. 2022
Simply Supported Beam Bridge Bearing Vs. Continuous Beam Bridge Bearing
Simply supported beam bridges and continuous beam bridges are two common types of bridges that are distinguished by the way in which the beam is supported.
Nov. 2022
How much do you know about simple supported beam bridge bearings?
A simply supported beam bridge is a type of bridge that consists of a horizontal beam supported on two or more end points, called bearings. These bearings play a crucial role in the overall functioning and stability of the bridge.
What is Elastic Bridge Bearing?
Elastomeric bridge bearings, also known as can bearings or elastomeric bearings, are a common type of modern bridge bearing.